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4 x 2.6m / 3 x 2.6m / 4 x 2.6m / 3 x 2.6m / 2.7 x 3m / 2.5 x 3m, acrylic aerosols on brick and aluminium.
Corner Kern and Bruce Highway, Gordonvale. Commissioned by Cairns City Council as part of the PUMPED: a Water and Waste Trail.
Mountains have played a significant role for the Hmong as sites of conflict, fortress, refuge, sustenance, home and belonging. In this mural, titled Raws Roob (following mountains), the mountains, trees, and built structures of both past and present homes, including the surroundings of Long Cheng, Ban Vinai, Phu Bia, and Cairns' southern suburbs of Mount Sheridan, White Rock, Bentley Park, Edmonton, and the town of Gordonvale are selected, abstracted and recombined into a reimagined landscape of bold lines, colours and forms. Raws Roob represents renewed growth, as home continues to grow and expand even through forced migration and cultural change, as well as continued resilience as new homes are created and embraced along with the nostalgia of what once was.
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